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Are you resting in Georgia and looking for extreme sensations? Want to feel how birds feel when they fly? Enjoy the beauty of the Black Mountains. Feel the freedom and the adrenaline rush! We offer paragliding in Gonio, Gudauri and Sighnaghi. A club of certified …

Quad Tours

Visiting Georgia, feeling and even a little extreme if you want our quad tours are for you. We offer quadrature in the cities of Borjomi, Gonio and Gudauri where you can discover the most beautiful views, unknown streets and see cities with different eyes. Our …

Old Tbilisi

1| GANJISKARI (GANJA GATEWAY) one of the historical gateways to Tbilisi and remains of a 9-18th c. defensive wall in the 300 Aragvian Park area. The road starting at Ganjiskari gate led to Ganja in today’s Azerbaijan, hence, the name. Archaeological excavations have revealed remains …

Tbilisi Architecture

Tbilisi is the place where Europe and Asia, the Orient and the Occident have historically come into contact. This is especially evident in the architecture throughout the city. Patios lined with tracery balconies and stained glass galleries, hide away behind European facades. The typical house …

Kakheti-Signaghi Tour

GOMBORI PASS GOMBORI PASS, which is breathtaking any session of year. Small peaceful villages, impressive sceneries of Caucasus mountains,Alazani Valley,nice views,Ujarma Fortress, beautiful meadows just a small list of what awaits you on road. TSINANDALI MUSEUM The complex in Tsinandali includes the memorial residence, a …