
ტურისტული კომპანია “WALKER/ვოლქერი” – გთავაზობთ აქტიურ,  კარგად ორგანიზებულ ტურებს, შეღავათიან ფასებში და გათვლილია ყველა კატეგორიის დამსვენებლისთვის. ჩვენთან შესაძლებელია ტრანსპორტირება, სასტუმროში განთავსება, კვება, გიდის მომსახურება, სასკოლო ექსკურსიები, ავიაბილეთების დაჯავშნა და სხვა… ჩვენ გთავაზობთ სრულ სერვისს, თქვენი სასიამოვნო დასვენებისთვის, რომელიც დაუვიწყარს გახდის თქვენს მოგზაურობას ვოლქერებთან ერთად! ჩვენ ვართ ტურისტული კომპანია “WALKER/ვოლქერი”,  – რომლის სტრატეგია დაფუძნებულია ახალ იდეებზე, ინოვაციურ პროექტებზე, პროფესიონალ მომსახურე პერსონალზე და […]

Sairme pearl of the west Georgia – 5 Day Tour

Short description Sairme is one of the leading resorts of Georgia known for its unique thermal mineral waters. The resort is located 950 meters above the sea level; in addition it is located just in an hour of driving from Kutaisi, the central town of the west Georgia with an international airport. Travellers heading to […]

Khevsureti – Town Fortress

Short description Located in 150 kms from the capital Shatili is the central settlement in the beautiful mountainous region of Khevsureti. The road to Shatili is very beautiful, here traveler never gets bored. At first you pass Jinvali water reservoir. Glittering lights on dark blue water catches the eye of the traveler. Soon the road […]

Tbilisi at Night – One Day Tour

Short description It is a special experience to walk through Tbilisi at night. The city is rather safe. The old town is especially attractive, here every old building is illuminated separately. Eye catching view of Narikala fortress hanging in the air above the old city impresses everyone. Views from Narikala at night are so impressive, […]

Best Vegetarian Dishes To Try In Tbilisi

Sandwiched between Russia, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan, Georgia is home to one of the most unique and flavourful cuisines in the world. Along with its own native foods, they’ve taken cues from the Middle East and Slavic nations to create a truly unique table. Because of their Orthodox traditions, much of the food happens to be vegetarian […]

Spend 4 Seasons In GEORGIA

an ancient cave town and one of the oldest urban settlements in Georgia. The town represents a complex of various structures dating from the 12 cent. BC to the 17th century. Uplistsikhe is situated on the left Bank of River Mtkvari.

Mtskheta, Uflitsikhe Tour

Jvari Monastery Jvari Monastery – Built in the 6th century,Jvari Monastery stands on a mountaintop at the confluence of the Mtkvari and Aragvi rivers, overlooking Mtskheta, the former capital of Georgia The monastery was built on the site of a large wooden cross erected by Saint Nino in the early 4th century. Saint Nino preached Christianity in […]